A small game about a shadow alchemist trying to obtain a philosopher's stone.

It's the first time any of the five of us had tried to make a game, and I think it turned out ok. Looking forward to next time making an even better one with all the stuff we learned on this one.

Controls, In case you missed the tutorial:

  • W A S D - Movement
  • Space - Teleport a short distance if you are in shadows, cannot teleport through walls.
  • E- Interact (Pet That Dawg!) And pick up the philosophers' stone.

Know Bugs:

  • HTML Version does not support shaders so the lighting looks way worse.
  • Sometimes an enemy will see through a wall if you stand too close (appears to be only up facing enemies)
  • A softlock can occur in the second room if you teleport into the top right room.
  • A softlock can occur if you teleport into the pits.

Game Dev Doc


Shadow-Alchemistv07.zip 20 MB
Shadow-Alchemist.exe 33 MB
Game Design Doc

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